Board Members
SNo.NameEducationExperience (yrs)Designation
1 Sumed Bhattarai MBA He holds 26 years of experience in Banking. He served for 3 years at the Nepal Indsouez Bank Limited and for short stint at Kumari Bank Limited. He has been appointed as the Director on 01 April, 2013 by Laxmi bank. Later the board meeting dated 22 July, 2013 unanimously elected him as the Chairman of the board
Updated as on 2023-03-28
2 Manish Raj Kunwar MBA He holds 23 Years of experience in Banking sector. He has been appointed by the Bank as the Director and now he is currently serving as Head-Corporate Banking of Laxmi Bank Limited.
Updated as on 2023-03-28
3 Pooja Shah Honors in Economics She has banking experience of 20 years in Laxmi Bank Limited. She has been appointed by the Bank as the Director and now she is currently serving as Head of private banking & Retail Branches of Laxmi Bank Limited.
Updated as on 2023-03-28
4 Ram Prasad Khanal Advocate Registered Auditor He has 28 years of experience in the Legal Matters. He has been appointed as an Independent Director of Laxmi Capital and now he is currently serving as Corporate Lawyer/Auditor/Consultant in various Organizations.
Updated as on 2023-03-28
5 Pradeep Raj Upadhyay
CA He has more than 20 years experience in the field of accounting, auditing, taxation, project planning and advisory services. He has been appointed as an Independent director of Laxmi Capital.
Updated as on 2023-03-28
6 Rajiv Sapkota MSBA His experience in banking sector is of 25 Years successively. He served at SEBON as Research Officer during late 1990s. Also served for 8 years at Himalayan Bank Ltd. and short stint at Sunrise Bank Ltd. Now, appointed as CEO on secondment from Laxmi Bank where he is currently serving as Chief Institutional Banking and Business Development.
Updated as on 2023-03-28
Chief Executive Officer

Antidepressiva Ohne Rezept Bekommen

Antidepressiva sind Medikamente, die zur Behandlung von Depressionen und anderen psychischen Erkrankungen eingesetzt werden. Sie helfen, die Stimmung zu verbessern, Schlafstörungen zu reduzieren und die kognitiven Funktionen zu stabilisieren. Obwohl diese Medikamente in der Regel auf Rezept erhältlich sind, suchen viele Menschen nach alternativen Möglichkeiten, sie zu beziehen. In den letzten Jahren ist die Nachfrage nach leichtem Antidepressiva ohne Rezept gestiegen. Dies sind natürliche pflanzliche Präparate, die behaupten, ähnliche Wirkungen wie herkömmliche Antidepressiva zu haben, jedoch ohne die Nebenwirkungen und das Suchtpotenzial. Leichtes Antidepressiva ohne Rezept können online erworben werden, was die Verfügbarkeit und den Zugang zu diesen Produkten erleichtert. Es ist jedoch wichtig zu beachten, dass diese pflanzlichen Präparate nicht die gleiche wissenschaftliche Unterstützung wie verschreibungspflichtige Medikamente haben und daher möglicherweise nicht für jeden geeignet sind. Es ist ratsam, vor der Einnahme leichter Antidepressiva ohne Rezept einen Arzt zu konsultieren, um mögliche Risiken und Wechselwirkungen zu besprechen.